About the California Writers Club:

In the early 1900s, the literati of the San Francisco Bay Area included Jack London, George Sterling, Joaquin Miller and Ina Coolbrith, the state’s first poet laureate. The group’s casual gatherings led to the beginnings of what soon became the California Writers Club.  California Writers Club is an educational nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation dedicated to educating writers of all levels of expertise in the craft of writing and the marketing of their work. Founded in 1909, the CWC incorporated in 1913 and expanded through the years throughout northern and southern California.

Branches have brought celebrated authors, screenwriters, and other writing professionals to our communities for speaker programs. Additionally, we sponsor and attend workshops and conferences, hold writing contests open to members and the public, and have members who are available to speak without a fee to nonprofits and other organizations in our local areas. Writers of any level are welcome to apply for membership to the California Writers Club.

Visit these websites to learn more:
CWC State website and CWC South Region Showcase

About the Coastal Dunes Branch:

The Coastal Dunes Branch was chartered as the 20th branch of CWC in July 2015. The first informational meeting was held in Nipomo, CA, in November of 2014, and just six months later, the group was able to meet the minimum requirements and apply for a charter. Our 50+ members write in multiple genres: mystery, memoir, poetry, nonfiction, young adult, children’s, fantasy, humor, and romance. As a branch, we have monthly meetings with interesting speakers, opportunities to network with other writers, and educational workshops.

In keeping with the California Writers Club’s educational mission, the Coastal Dunes branch’s focus is Practicing the Craft of Writing. At our monthly meetings, we provide speakers and facilitators to guide us in our writing in order to learn from them and each other.

Our Officers/Executive Board members as of June 2024 are:

President: Michelle Turner
Vice-President: Viviana Hall
Recording Secretary: Philip Henderson
Corresponding Secretary: Carole Wagener
Treasurer: Gary Fourer

Appointed positions:
Membership Chair: Margaret Lange
CWC Central Board Representative: Viviana Hall

Branch Founder and CWC Mentor: Catherine Kitcho

To contact our officers or staff, go to our Contact Form, and put “Information Desk” in the Subject Line. You will be directed to the proper person.

Copyright 2024, Coastal Dunes CWC